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  • AKSIPS-125 Smart School Greater Mohali


  • Phone No. - +91 160 5032494
    +91 8544851494

    Email - [email protected]

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Welcome to

AKSIPS-125 Smart School,Greater Mohali


AKSIPS - 125, the fourth branch of AKSIPS group of Schools, is a futuristic school, ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century. It offers students opportunities for self expression, creativity, as well as intellectual and physical development. Teaching and learning process is based on visualization of topics and the latest methodology is used to impart conceptual knowledge in a fun filled and lively manner. Teaching in a play-way method along with music helps in improving auditory, recall, verbal expressions and motor skills in students. The school is recognised up to class eighth. Free and quick transfer of students from AKSIPS - 125 to any of the AKSIPS branches in Mohali or Chandigarh is a huge benefit to students.

Awards & Achievements


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    Miss Ajit Karam Singh, Founder of International Public School was an eminent educationist and an able administrator of vision a

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    Under the guidance of Dr. B. N. S. Walia over the years has come to symbolize the truest spirit...

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    EXECUTIVE Director's Desk

    At AKSIPS, Our main emphasis is to develop the students in such a way so as to make them morally upright, intellectually well informed, socially

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    From the desk of the Associate Director (Administration)

    AKSIPS Group of Schools is an amalgamation of competent teachers state of the art infrastructure and and an experienced and efficient administration...

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    From the desk of the Associate Director (Academics)

    The school strives to fulfill the basic role of imparting good education in the society,...

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    Branch Head's Desk

    It is said, if you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; and if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. We believe

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    Headmistress's Desk

    We firmly believe in the power of mindset; where there is determination, there is success. At our core, we hold the belief that a joyful child is one poised for triumph.

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