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  • AKSIPS-125 Smart School Greater Mohali


  • Phone No. - +91 160 5032494
    +91 8544851494

    Email - [email protected]



    The music club aims at providing a chance for students to enhance their knowledge and appreciate the western and eastern music. In order to achieve this, we organize various activities. Instrumental classes are also held where students learn instruments like flute, Cassio, drum, guitar etc. 

    Dancing isn’t just about the steps and music. It’s a perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction and mental stimulation. Dancing enhances your life in so many ways-Health, Confidence, Self-Expression, Relaxation and Fun.

    Objects of the dance club at AKSIPS

    -         To encourage students for dance

    -         To enhance extra- curricular activity

    -         To promote the dances to an upper platform.



Online Admission