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  • AKSIPS-125 Smart School Greater Mohali


  • Phone No. - +91 160 5032494
    +91 8544851494

    Email - [email protected]



    Knowledge is power and information is liberating education in the premises of progress in every society and every family. Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.

    General Knowledge plays an important role in a child’s life along with the academics. GK club at AKSIPS aims to encourage the young minds to delve into the fathomless world of information to dig out a few seeds of knowledge. The club intends

    -       To broaden the scope of students’ knowledge by giving extra information that extends beyond the school curriculum.

    -       To sharpen and feed the curiosity of the young minds.

    -        To participate in inter school Quiz competitions.

    -       To prepare the AKSIPIANS to face the competition and information oriented world with confidence.

Online Admission